Do I need a private tutor?
Benefits of private tutoring:
Efficient preparation for students with limited time
One-on-one lessons entirely personalized for your needs
Building confidence to reduce test anxiety
Do you provide an assessment?
Each prospective client takes a SAT and ACT diagnostic exam.
Each student’s strengths and weaknesses are assessed to determine which exam may strategically be the easiest for the student to study for and score the highest on.
Additional score reports (e.g. PSAT, PACT, previous practice exams) are helpful supplements to the diagnostic exams.
What is your teaching style?
At EGKIM Tutoring, we emphasize the significance of incorporating consistent study & reading habits in order to successfully prepare for exams. Each lesson is catered to improving test taking and study skills.
Most importantly, we value that each of our students builds a healthy and positive mindset while preparing for any exam.
Payments can be made via credit card, check, or cash. The first 2 sessions are pay as you go.
If you would like to continue, 4 week (monthly) packages are invoiced and must be prepaid before the beginning of the month.
Cancellation fee
There is a 1 hour fee for cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled session. This is to be mindful of the tutor’s schedule and availability to other students.
Where do you teach?
Sessions are currently held online.
Do you teach other subjects?
We LOVE science! We offer tutoring in chemistry, physics, and math and can help you prep for class.